Calculate Your Impact

Calculate the positive environmental impact of lawns,
trees and shrubs of your properties with the Clean Air Calculator.

Our mission is to create a greener, healthier, cooler Earth.

Plants and grass sequester carbon and clean the air. Together, we can create healthy green spaces for our neighborhoods.

Why Plants Matter

Plants serve as a carbon sink that absorbs carbon dioxide and mitigates the effects of climate change.

  • illustration of grass on white background for clean air calculator

    Turfgrass absorbs rainfall, prevents erosion and is 30 degrees cooler than asphalt and 14 degrees cooler than bare soil.

  • plants illustration on white background for clean air calculator

    Shrubs offer habitat, erosion control, biodiversity and aesthetics to a property.

  • How do Trees - Project EverGreen

    Trees add beauty to a landscape or park, but also lowers air temperatures, reduces pollution and improves air quality. 

a tree
laptop featuring the Clean Air Calculator application

What We Measure

The Clean Air Calculator is a tool to measure the environmental benefits of plants and green spaces.

  • clouds illustration for clean air calculator

    Cubic Yards of Clean Air Produced

  • city illustration with white background for clean air calculator

    Lbs. of Gross CO2 Sequestered

  • illustration of people for clean air calculator

    Total People Benefitted

  • car driving on a road illustration for clean air calculator

    Miles Driven Offset

How It Works

  • 1 pile of soil for clean air calculator

    Find Your Location

    Enter your address to find your property.

  • 2 illustration of grass on white background for clean air calculator

    Map Your Area

    Next, click on your lawn to outline your property. Next, outline your trees and then your shrubs.

  • 3 plants illustration on white background for clean air calculator

    See Your Clean Air Score

    Learn how your property is creating a greener, healthier, cooler environment.

laptop featuring the Clean Air Calculator application

Sharing the benefits of healthy green spaces

  • Promoting natural turf
  • Heat reduction
  • Cooling homes, businesses, schools and more
  • Promoting positive physical, social and mental health

Case Studies

Pingree Park - Project EverGreen
Pingree Park
Breathing new life into Detroit Neighborhood.

The project is more than an aesthetic makeover, it represents the revival of a community hub and a sustainable generator of cleaner air.

Project EverGreen - Baseball field
Howard Park
A win for a greener, cooler, healthier Earth.

Renovating Howard Park’s 14 acres of green spaces not only created safe, reliable playing surfaces but delivered a positive environmental impact.

Lindo Park Ballfield Project - Project EverGreen
Lindo Park
A green oasis in the Valley of the Sun.

The health of a community can be measured in many ways, but one of the most telling is to look at a shared community space: a city park.

Poppa and Momma Jones Garden -Project EverGreen
Poppa and Momma Jones Historical Garden
A slice of green heaven in the heart of the city.

Green spaces are critical to urban areas as they offset the heat island effect and provide the surrounding area with cleaner air through carbon sequestration.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Clean Air Calculator?

    The Clean Air Calculator is a tool that measures the environmental benefits of green spaces including lawns, landscapes, parks, sports fields, golf courses and more.


  • Why is it important to measure the environmental benefits of green spaces?

    It’s easy to underestimate the power of green spaces that grow around us and, if we’re lucky, surround the places where we live, work and play. The Clean Air Calculator is changing the way we think about green spaces we often take for granted.

  • How does the Clean Air Calculator work?

    The Clean Air Calculator is a web-based mapping tool that measures the positive environmental impact of plants – specifically lawns, trees and shrubs – on a property. The Clean Air Calculator combines geographic information system (GIS)-based interactive maps with a scientific data model to identify the value of actual green space in cities, neighborhoods, communities and individual properties. After the mapping is completed, the tool tallies the measurements and estimates the environmental benefits of that property.

  • What are some of the environmental benefits?

    The Clean Air Calculator measures four environmental health factors:

    • Carbon Dioxide. Plants naturally sequester carbon from the air and store it in stems, roots and the soil. The Clean Air Calculator measures the reduction of CO2 levels in a given area per year.
    • People Benefitted. This refers to the number of people who benefit from the oxygen plants release including your family and neighbors.
    • Miles offset. Americans drive on average 12,000 miles per year leaving emissions in the areas that they travel. This calculation shows how many of those miles are offset by healthy plants.
    • Your clean air score. Clean air is crucial for good health. The Clean Air Calculator estimates the amount of clean air plants produce in a given area per year.
  • How can I use my Clean Air Calculator results?

    Your Clean Air Calculator score shows you how your personal or community green space is creating a greener, healthier, cooler Earth. Continued maintenance of your green space is necessary to maintain your score.

  • Is the Clean Air Calculator based on science?

    The tool’s methodology is backed by extensive research based on key published studies and is endorsed by Texas A&M and The Ohio State University. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this calculator, the results should be used as a guide only.

  • Who can use the Clean Air Calculator?

    Anyone! Homeowners, service professionals, schools, municipalities, parks can all benefit from using the Clean Air Calculator, to name a few.

  • Is the Clean Air Calculator an app?

    The Clean Air Calculator is web-based but is mobile optimized.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this calculator, the results should be used as a guide only. This calculator is not to be used as a substitute for formal professional advice, nor should it be relied upon as the sole source of information relating to its content.

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© Copyright - Project EverGreen 2025