Help Project EverGreen create a greener, healthier, cooler Earth.

Project EverGreen brings people together to make a difference in our yards, parks and community green spaces.

Project EverGreen is a national non-profit organization committed to helping people like you work together to create healthy green space. We do this through GreenCare for Communities initiatives that revitalize parks and public green spaces in New York City, Detroit and cities across the country, and through the GreenCare for Troops program that mobilizes lawn and landscape services for military families.

Our efforts, empowered by donations and volunteers, result in remarkable lifestyle improvements, environmental impact and economic benefits.

To learn more about Project EverGreen and the impact its programs have on military families and communities, or to join us by volunteering your time, service or resources call 877-758-4835.

Our Vision

A greener, cooler Earth.
Healthier, happier people.

Our Mission

Bringing people together to make a difference in how our yards, parks and communities create a greener, healthier, cooler Earth.

Calculate Your Impact

Calculate the positive environmental impact of lawns, trees and shrubs of your properties with the Clean
Air Calculator.

cac HomeHero | Project EverGreen

Project EverGreen Makes Health and Happiness Happen

Just 2,500 square feet of grass releases enough oxygen for a family of four to breathe.

heat islands - Project EverGreen

Reducing Heat Islands in Cities

Cleveland, Ohio Reducing urban heat islands involves various strategies to mitigate the excess heat absorbed and retained by buildings, roads, and other infrastructure.

Congratulations to #CamberlyGardens in New Jersey on being a #WinningWednesday winner and for donating part of your winnings to Project EverGreen! Thanks for making a difference in our community and the environment! Can’t wait to see who wins next week!

It’s another #WinningWednesday! Are you ready for a chance to win $1,000 from #HeritageLandscapeSupplyGroup? Register on Heritage+ today and if you win, Project EverGreen wins! Good luck!

Project EverGreen
Gmeiner Park ribbon cutting - Project EverGreen
Project EverGreen
Project EverGreen
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