Ann Hunter-Welborn Circle of Excellence Award Given to Project EverGreen
Project EverGreen was recently recognized as a recipient of the Ann Hunter-Welborn Circle of Excellence Award, an annual recognition from Hunter Industries that honors companies, individuals, and organizations that demonstrate a commitment to environmental stewardship, water conservation, local community support, and various other sustainability measures.

Project EverGreen was recently recognized as a recipient of the Ann Hunter-Welborn Circle of Excellence Award, an annual recognition from Hunter Industries that honors companies, individuals, and organizations that demonstrate a commitment to environmental stewardship, water conservation, local community support, and various other sustainability measures.
Celebrating its sixth year of commending industry leaders for their unique contributions to the environment, the award was born from the social responsibility ideals Ann Hunter-Welborn brought to Hunter Industries early in its inception.
Presented annually since 2018, the awards recognize a diverse range of sustainable, forward-thinking practices that are shaping the future of the industries represented by Hunter Industries’ Family of Companies.
“Project EverGreen is delighted to be recognized by Hunter Industries with this consequential award,” said Cindy Code, executive director of Project EverGreen. “A healthy, sustainable environment is at the heart of our initiatives, and connecting people to plants and green spaces is paramount to a greener, cooler Earth.”
The award’s goal is to generate awareness about these positive actions and inspire others to make an impact. Hunter Industries evaluates nominations from its sales team to determine the recipients.
“As a leader in sustainability, we want to celebrate the accomplishments of our award winners and motivate more people to join us in building sustainable and resilient communities,” said Warren Gorowitz, director of sustainability & social impact for Hunter.
To help promote a more sustainable industry, Hunter Industries continually seeks partners with similar ideals. By highlighting the positive impacts that the 2024 award recipients have had on their communities, the company hopes to inspire others to join the movement.
See all the award recipients at
Project EverGreen’s Clean Air Calculator
One of the ways Project EverGreen is demonstrating its commitment to environmental stewardship, water conservation, local community support, and sustainability is through its Clean Air Calculator initiative. The online calculator will change the way we think about green spaces we often take for granted. Project EverGreen is the exclusive licensee of the Clean Air Calculator™ in the U.S.
The Clean Air Calculator, powered by Project EverGreen, is a web-based mapping tool that measures the positive environmental impact of plants—specifically lawns, trees, and shrubs on a property.
The calculator will be used by lawn and landscape professionals, park directors, golf course superintendents, commercial property owners, sports fields managers, homeowners, and others.
Plants not only capture carbon but also provide us with cleaner, cooler air. Lawns, trees, and shrubs make up green spaces but so do other plants like flowers and gardens. They attract people, wildlife, bees, insects, and microscopic organisms.
Underneath, soil helps grow and support green spaces with its own ecosystem of roots, earthworms, microbes, insects and even animals, like moles and gophers.
While all those things contribute to environmental health, our calculator uses three land covers—lawns, trees, and shrubs to measure the benefits of green space.
The calculator helps one visualize the environmental impact of land cover on a property by measuring four environmental health factors:
- Clean Air
- Carbon Sequestered
- People Impacted
- Km Offset
The Clean Air Calculator combines geographic information system (GIS)-based interactive maps with a scientific data model to identify the value of actual greenspace in cities, neighborhoods, communities, and individual properties.