Green Spaces: A “Cool” Way to Make Our Communities A Better Place to Live
The benefits package when it comes to green spaces is pretty impressive. Green spaces provide environmental, economic and lifestyle benefits to communities big and small, and to people ages two to 90 and everyone in between.
Project EverGreen knows a greener, cooler and healthier earth helps everyone and that is why we have dedicated our resources to driving initiatives like “Healthy Turf. Healthy Kids.” that renovate and revitalize athletic and recreational green spaces in communities across the country giving kids and adults a place to safely exercise, compete and connect.
How cool is this program? For example, did you know that grass is 14 degrees cooler compared to bare soil? And that grass is 30 degrees cooler than asphalt.
The above numbers don’t lie and reinforce the need for the further development and a commitment to maintain athletic and recreational green spaces in our communities.
Since the program’s inception in 2015, Project EverGreen and its volunteer green industry partners have renovated more than 607,000 square footage of recreational and athletic green space from Atlanta to Minneapolis.
How beneficial are athletic and recreational green spaces? Check these facts out:
- Children age 5 to 17 should engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity on a daily basis
- A child can burn up to 100 calories in one hour of active play
- Physically active young people demonstrate higher academic performance at school
- Lawns that are fertilized, mowed at the proper height and watered will crowd out weeds and provide a safe playing surface for kids to run
For more information on Project EverGreen’s programs that promote the economic, social and lifestyle benefits of managed green spaces, visit
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