Liberty Island

Liberty Island, New York City, NY

Project EverGreen - 9/11 Memorial & Museum

Completion Date

June 10, 2014

Project EverGreen - Liberty Island

Estimated Project Value

Over $50,000

Project EverGreen - Liberty Island

Estimated Value of Volunteer Time


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Project EverGreen was honored to revitalize Memorial Grove, a park dedicated to the victims of 9/11.

A few years after the tragedy of 9/11 a Liberty Island Ladies auxiliary group planted several London Plane trees to honor the lives lost in the twin towers of the World Trade Center. The site became known as the 9/11 Memorial Grove. Hurricane Sandy damaged many of the trees, and most of them are now dead or dying.

As part of a pilot for a developing partnership recently-proposed agreement in principle with the National Park Service, Project EverGreen, a non-profit green industry foundation, has coordinated with the New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association, to revitalize the 9/11 Memorial Grove with new trees and plantings. The site is a place for visitors to relax, reflect, remember and continue healing.

“The space itself has a direct line of sight to ground zero,” says Jody Shilan, executive director of the NJLCA. ”It seemed like a perfect location to reflect and think about that day.”

Shilan hopes to be able to include thematic plantings – cultivars such as patriot, liberty and America if they are appropriate for the site. There is a Lady Liberty Peony. Shilan is working with an expert from Monrovia to determine which plants will survive and flourish on the island

“It’s a nice green space that can hold a couple of hundred people,” Shilan says. “We want to celebrate life and perseverance as well as remember the tragedy.”

Project Scope
Green Space Cleanup
Tree Removal
9/11 Memorial Grove Tree Installation
Mulching Tree Beds
Soil Analysis
Sodic Soil Treatment
Re-seeding of the Liberty Island 9/11 Memorial Grove turf grass

Project EverGreen - Science

Project EverGreen coordinated with the New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association to revitalize the 9/11 Memorial Grove with new trees and plantings. The site is a place for visitors to relax, reflect, remember and continue healing.

Project EverGreen - Plan

Soil damage caused by Hurricane Sandy’s flood surges left numerous dead and dying trees, that were hazardous to people and property on Liberty and Ellis islands. Many local organizations donated services to correct the situation.

Project EverGreen - Logo

Extensive tree care, removal, replanting, and soil remediation were conducted through the donations and time of multiple teams that will enable the green space to reestablish its health and once again serve as an oasis for visitors.

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