Volunteering for SnowCare for Troops is deeply personal for David Holt of Turning Leaves Landscape
“My wife’s mom is a retired registered nurse who worked at a local hospital for 30 years, and my mom is also a registered nurse, and the SnowCare for Troops Cares for our HealthCare Heroes initiative hits home as another great opportunity to give back.”
David Holt
Turning Leaves Landscaping
Freemont Center, New York
A 17-year veteran of the landscape and snow management industry, David Holt is the owner-operator of Turning Leaves Landscaping in Freemont Center, New York, a company he started in 2008. It’s a year-round service business, tending to lawns and landscaping through the growing season and keeping roads and driveways clear of snow for mostly residential clients in the winter months.

SnowCare for Troops volunteer David Holt is the owner-operator of Turning Leaves Landscaping in Freemont Center New York.
SnowCare for Troops volunteer David Holt is the owner-operator of Turning Leaves Landscaping in Freemont Center, New York. Tucked in hills and valleys in a popular eastern New York skiing region, managing snow for customers can be a formidable challenge for Holt. Elevation across his 30-mile radius service area shifts as much as 1,100 feet from river valleys to hills and mountains, dramatically impacting accumulations by anywhere from several inches to a foot or more.
The community itself is small and tight knit, where the extra contributions of its members are crucial. Holt has been a volunteer fireman for as long as he can remember and is always looking for ways to give back to the community.
Beyond his own desire to provide service to those who serve the country, there’s a deeply personal connection. In 2007, his girlfriend’s brother, who would have become his brother-in-law, died while serving in the military in Iraq. It was heartbreaking news to the small community at that time, and Holt and his now-wife Kristen talked about finding a way to honor his ultimate sacrifice.
“Everyone knows everyone in this little remote area, so no one living around here doesn’t know the story of Kristen’s brother and remember what happened,” says Holt.
So, when he attended the Green Industry Expo a few years ago and learned about the GreenCare and SnowCare for Troops Program, he was immediately inspired to sign on.
“When we first got involved, there wasn’t any awareness of the program among military families,” says Holt. But he soon became aware of a former employee of his who also served in a nearby National Guard unit that was about to be deployed, and Holt encouraged him to sign up with GreenCare and SnowCare for Troops so they could be matched up. “He and one of his other guys signed up, and I was able to take care of their properties at no charge for the entire year.”
Holt is looking forward to providing services to additional military families, and recently agreed to widen his circle of opportunities to include healthcare workers through the SnowCare for Troops Cares for our HealthCare Heroes program.
“Kristen’s mom is a retired registered nurse who worked at a local hospital for 30 years, and my mom is also a registered nurse, so this new program hits home as another great opportunity to give back,” says Holt.
SnowCare for Troops Cares for Our Healthcare Heroes Program
Project EverGreen, along with program sponsor BOSS Snowplow, have formed the SnowCare for Troops Cares for Our Healthcare Heroes initiative.
To participate, SnowCare for Troops volunteers are asked to nominate frontline healthcare professionals in their community to receive snow and ice removal services. Volunteers are encouraged to identify potential recipients through neighborhood groups, school or church groups or social media. The expanded program will run through April 1, 2021.
Once an individual or family has been identified and parameters of service established, SnowCare for Troops volunteers are asked to provide the name, address and list of services provided to Project EverGreen for its database to ensure they are properly matched in the database.
Are you ready to step up and become a volunteer for a health care hero or military family? Register today at https://projectevergreen.org/about-the-program-volunteers/
The Title Sponsor of the GreenCare for Troops program is Nufarm. Platinum Partners include Toro, and SiteOne Landscape Supply. The Gold Partner is Arborjet/Ecologel and the Silver Partner is the Propane Education and Research Council