Harrell Park

Houston’s Harrell Park Subdivision
Habitat for Humanity/TPI – 2016

Project EverGreen - Recreation

Completion Date

February 26, 2016

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Estimated Project Value


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Estimated Value of Volunteer Time


Project EverGreen, Turfgrass Producers International and Houston Habitat for Humanity joined forces to install lawns and landscapes to five new homes in Houston’s Harrell Park subdivision.

TPI members Advanced Equipment Sales, Brouwer Kesmac, FireFly Equipment, Northwest Tillers, Progressive Turf Equipment, Redexim North America, Trebro Manufacturing and Trimax Mowing Systems contributed to purchase nearly 22,000 sq. ft. of harvested sod from Houston-area sod farm, All Seasons Turf Grass.

Project EverGreen and the Brickman Group provided the landscape materials and labor to install, with the assistance of Habitat for Humanity volunteers, more than 75 ornamental plants and trees to the five houses.

The project includes installation of oak trees and an assortment of azaleas, boxwoods, gardenias and ferns, and mulch around the five homes to create landscape beds that complement the new turf, and create green spaces the new owners and their families can enjoy.

“Project EverGreen is proud to partner with TPI and Houston Habitat for Humanity to bring managed green spaces to these new homes and neighborhoods,” said Cindy Code, executive director of Project EverGreen. “Lawns, landscapes and plants turn houses into homes and neighborhoods into communities. The end result is safer, heathier and more connected communities.”

Project Scope:
Installation of 75 ornamental plants and trees
Installation of oak trees, assortment of azaleas, boxwoods, gardenias and ferns
Installation of mulch

Project Partners

Houston Habitat for Humanity, Turfgrass Producers International, Advanced Equipment Sales, Brickman Group, Brouwer Kesmac, FireFly Equipment, Northwest Tillers, Progressive Turf Equipment, Redexim North America, Trebro Manufacturing, Trimax Mowing Systems

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